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How to Make Cannabis Butter?

Simple and Efficient Guide


Crockpot and Stovetop Method

One of the more obvious ways to make cannabis butter is with a cannabutter machine. We wont go over that and will only be covering these two methods for making cannabis butter. It's simple, fun, and even relaxing read more and find out just how quick you can have your own cannabis butter.

Clarifying Butter

The first step of making cannabis butter is to clarify unsalted butter before you cook cannabis in it. This step may seem unnecessary however if you don't your final result will be mushy, watery, and lower in THC content. In order to clarify butter you need to melt it in a pot and then dump butter in a container and refrigerate until solid. Once the butter is cooled off you can see that it is separated into layers. The bottom layer is the one you want to avoid and is made up of butter solids. Scrap out the top layer of butter and you are almost ready to make your own cannabis butter.


Trust me, I think it's an annoying word too. It is however an important step whenever cooking with cannabis. Decarboxylation is the process of heating cannabis and hemp to activate the cannabinoids within the buds, trim, or leaves. To start preheat your oven to 225°. Leave your marijuana ungrinded and throw it on a cooking sheet. Cook the marijuana for 25 min and you are ready to go. Below is a list of the items needed to make cannabutter.

2 sticks of unsalted butter per ½ Oz dried marijuana



CrockPot/Stove Top and Pot

2 containers

8 Hrs of time

CrockPot Method

This method might be the easiest way to make cannabis butter apart from cannabutter machines. You wont need to be at the stove all day stirring and making sure it stays the right temperature. Step by step instructions can be found below.

The first step is to clarify your butter and decarboxylate your cannabis.

Turn crockpot on low and melt butter

Make cannabis roll/pouch

Once butter is melted but in cannabis roll and let simmer for 8-12hrs

Squeeze cannabis roll for excess butter, refrigerate and enjoy!

Stove Top

Making butter on the stove is very similar to the method listed above. This method has a bit more work involved but the final result is the same.

Clarify your butter and decarboxylate your marijuana.

Put butter in a pot and turn the stove on low

Make your marijuana roll and place in the pot

Continue to stir occasionally for 8-12hrs

Take off stove and allow to cool before storing in the fridge.

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